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Join the Ultimate Accountability Club

Secure Your Success with Daily Goals and Earn Back Your Investment, One Day at a Time.

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How it works

💸 Initial Deposit: At the start of each month, all participants deposit €100. Then are added to a WhatsApp goup.

🤑 Daily Rewards: If you meet your daily goals and upload evidence to the WhatsApp group, you receive a portion of your €100 back, plus a share of the funds from those who didn't meet their goals that day.

😵 Daily Penalties: If you don't meet your daily goals, the money allocated for that day is distributed among the participants who did.

🗓️ Frequency: This challenge runs five days a week, providing a balanced approach to commitment and rest.

🤝 Flexibility: Participation is on a month-to-month basis. You have the option to join or leave the challenge at the start of each month.

Two guys doing pushups
Rockclimbing clients

Our accountability groups

🏋️ Exercise 5 times a week.

⏰ Wake up early during weekdays.

📵 Digital minimalism during weekdays.

Frequently asked questions

How big are the groups?

Our groups are no larger than 8 people.

Yes, everyone defines what goal they want and shares it with the group so they can keep you accountable.

We deposit into your account at the end of every week.

If you don't miss a day, you should get your €100 back PLUS any money from people that did fail.

A guy and a girl doing pushups

Contact us

We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Sunset parasail